
Maklumat Peribadi
Dr.Hj.Shahanif bin Hj.Hasan P.K.T.C.A.(M). ACSI
Ketua Jabatan Sastera Ikhtisas dan Sains Sosial (DG52)
Tarikh Mula Berkhidmat : 2003
Emel :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon Pejabat : 04-5756090 Samb :243
Kelulusan Akademik
1. B.ACCT (Hons) - UKM (1999)
2. MSc (Int Accounting) - UUM (2017)
3. Professional Accounting (MIA) - 2005
4. Forensic Accounting (Singapore) - 2010
5.PHD in Management (Accounting) (Unisel) - 2021 

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